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Unite to have access, together, to better prices!


What to do when we are a small company, and not have several millions to negotiate the best rates, whether for the needs of transportation of our goods, our parcels, for our office supplies, as well as for all necessary operations for our company?


Faced with this difficulty, we have set up a structure by combining the needs of different structures to obtain sufficient volume, access the best market conditions and  get better prices for our members.


United we stand, divided we fall! Ants are very small. But when they unite, they form a strong army. You cannot break a bundle of sticks.  The Alliance Group is here to serve you! We are a private and selective network designed to connect our members in a context of shared business and interests to enable you to always save money and benefit from a wide range of professional services and be more effective and efficient, and always at a lower cost.



Our team of experienced managers considers each mandate as a personal mission to find and offer our members the best business-oriented solutions designed to optimize business processes for small and medium-sized businesses, prices that a single company would not be able to access.

Unity is strength. This old adage is more current than ever. Many "small" entrepreneurs struggle to buy at the best price: how to influence these prices when a "micro-client"?

The answer is the UNION.


 We are a major player listening to our members and a constant search for innovation.


Our passion drives us to go further to meet the expectations of all our members. Since 2014, our Group has undergone a profound transformation with one fundamental objective: that each of our members can have access to the best possible prices for its services.


This is of course, not a coincidence, if we made the choice to infuse a promise through our signature to our all members: that of the Expertise and the Economy. That's the sense we give to our operations. This is the leitmotif of our new business solutions management and development model.


Our success is largely linked to the day-to-day commitment of all our partners to our members, based on strong principles of action and a unifying mission: helping managers to always save money in their operations.



It is with this ambition and relying on our ever renewed know-how that we want to continue developing our partnerships. In just a few years, we have clearly demonstrated our ability to not only adapt quickly, but above all, to anticipate and invent new forms of business.


A movement that we still hear amplifying!


So many mobilizing projects for all!


Welcome to Alliances Group. We are very happy to serve you!

© 2017 Groupe Alliances
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